Jasmine wears the Annabelle Camisole in Hunter and the Classic Dance Tight - Footless in Black.
If you’re a ballet dancer or have an interest in ballet, the word ‘turnout’ would sound unsurprisingly familiar to you. It is a term used to demonstrate the placement of your feet determined by your hip rotation. Your turnout is one of many aspects in ballet that contributes to your level of technique, hence is highly noticeable to, say, an examiner when performing. Read on for our helpful advice on how to maximise your turnout using different exercises.
Here we’re referring to the circular movements of your feet and ankles. Whilst seated, place your feet in parallel extending both legs out in front of you. Point your feet, flex upwards and rotate them outwards (left and right) to point once more. Be careful as we don’t want to force the outward extension. Next, return them back to the centre. Repeat 15 times and perhaps try it anticlockwise. This exercise can also be done using a theraband. This will add further resistance and ensure your feet and ankles feel warm and stretched. To do so, start by placing the right foot within the theraband and complete the steps above. Repeat with the left foot.

A simple yet purposeful stretch that is taught from day dot. Believe it or not, a butterfly stretch can help loosen your hip joints overtime. Sit with knees turned outwards and the base of your feet touching. Your hips may feel tight initially, however, try placing your feet close to your body with your knees pointed sideways. Clasp both hands on each ankle and as a mini extension, try touching your feet with your nose!

Jasmine wears the Willow Crop Top and Madison Short in Black.
Like the name suggests, the main movement in a clam stretch revolves around the opening and closing of your knees and hips. Lay sideways and align your feet with your hips by bending your knees so they make a 90 degree angle. Lift your top knee up to the ceiling forming a diamond shape and release back down to close. Repeat 15 times. Complete this exercise on the other leg. You may notice that one hip feels looser than the other, allowing your knee greater range which generally occurs using your dominant leg. For that extra burn, grab a theraband and place it above both knees.

This stretch is like an inverted butterfly stretch (but with more contact to the floor) and helps open those hips up. Lie down on your stomach propped up by your elbows. Bend your legs and ensure your toes or feet are touching. The idea behind this stretch is to have your stomach, pelvis, hips and thighs touching the floor. At first, your pelvis may not reach the ground, although after a warm up and a couple of goes you will surprise yourself!

Jasmine wears the Willow Crop Top and Madison Short in Black.
To start, remain seated and place your left shin on the floor as if you’re about to cross your legs. Next, place your right leg on top so that your shins line up with both feet flexed. As an advancement, slowly lean forward with a tall back using your fingertips for support. Hold for 30 seconds. Make sure you don’t hunch your back over as you won’t work the same stretch.

Jasmine wears the Annabelle Camisole in Hunter and the Classic Dance Tight - Footless in Black.
Lie on your side with your hips, knees and feet forming a straight line. Here you can either prop your head up with your elbow or lie against your arm. Make sure your hips are stacked and are not rolling forwards or backwards. Lift your top leg up and lower. Repeat 15 times. Switch over to the other leg and redo this exercise. If this is too simple, don’t hesitate to complete these steps using a theraband wrapped around your ankles. If you don’t own a theraband, not to worry! Use pulses as a substitute, alternating between one leg raise and two small leg pulses.

When you have a spare moment before class or at home, have a go at these super simple exercises to improve your turnout. Best of all, you’ll only need a yoga mat or a towel beneath you! Always remember that with time and practise you can ease into these activities. Also note that every person has a unique capacity for turnout so it’s not worth constantly comparing your technique to others. Before you know it, you’ll be seeing some impressive results when trying to achieve a wonderful turnout. Good luck!
Tips for Turnout - Achieving your Ultimate Range
5 Tips To Improve Turnout Range
Article by Lara Divitcos Energetiks
Photography by Elly Ford